Sunday, October 26, 2008

Just One Blog

For the past year you have been able to read all about Sylvia from two URL's - this one and While that set-up initially made it convenient for Sylvia's parents to both make posts, it was a little overkill. So today, we consolidate those blogs into one Wordpress blog:

You will also find new photo galleries included in the site. And we'll be adding videos soon.

We'll see you at

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Evening in the Rose Garden

Sylvia and I took a walk through the rose garden this evening. The weather has turned rainy and chilly, and all the leaves are falling. But the roses are still in bloom. Not just a few flowers here or there, but the whole garden is colorful with them. The fountain was going and during our visit the garden lights came on. There was really too little light for my camera phone, but we gave it a shot.

The roses

Playing in the puddles

The fountain

Sylvia's new boots

The fountain again

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Sylvia enjoyed a true fall day today. The skies were blue and the leaves yellow, red, brown, and some lingering greens. She's learning the joys of scattering leaves and hearing them crunch underneath her feet. While we bought her a new winter hat, she insists on her "purple tassel hat" which fits in better with the fall weather. She is an avid scientist when it comes to her outdoor observations. Sometimes, it feels tedious walking with her especially when I'm in a get somewhere mode, but she really reminds me to slow down and be patient and to truly "see" everything again. She points out every dog, baby, bicycle, piece of trash, bug, and the like on these walks around our block.

We went out for a Sunday pancake breakfast this weekend as it was the first weekend I haven't had a long run in 4 months. Sylvia impressed me by saying, "thank you," to our server. She's enjoyed the Halloween books that grandparents have sent up as well as the decorations. We're still trying to decide on a costume, but we think we may construct something out of her ballerina outfit and her fairy outfit - some sort of ballerina fairy princess? The feminist in me feels somewhat opposed to this; however, she has more backhoes and construction equipment than any child I know, so I think she's pretty well rounded.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Darcie Finishes Marathon; Sylvia Behaves Herself

It was a warm and cloudless Sunday in Chicago, but Darcie pushed through and finished her first marathon in just over 5 hours!

Sylvia, Chris, G (Marilyn), Aunt Monica, and Cousin Elaina tried to keep up with her in a mini van. Uncle Eric tackled 20 miles of the 26.2 mile course, but had to pull out. We're very impressed with all of the runners. Congratulations, everybody!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sylvia's new cousin has arrived!

Welcome to the world William Edward Wallace born Oct. 9, 2008. Sylvia is excited about a new baby cousin and can't wait to meet you. Congratulations from Uncle Chris and Aunt Darcie!

Sunday, October 5, 2008